Posts tagged: freelance writer

Bloggers for Hire: When to Let Others do the Writing for You

When you add a blog to your website, you’re not just giving people additional information. A well-made blog increases your search engine potential. Sometimes, business owners may not feel they have the time or the skills to create and maintain a blog for their company. That’s perfectly acceptable, as there are plenty of writers out there who are more than happy to help you.

You can always find a willing writer over the internet to help you out. There are several reputable websites available that can help put you in touch with a writer that has blogging experience. Try websites like or You can work with these people through the writing website or just hire them direct. If you’re worried about the financial aspect of hiring a writer, know that blogging is usually a reasonably-priced task. The more years experience the writer has, the more you will likely pay per blog. You can usually get away with writer that has only a year or two of experience though, as blogging is a pretty straight forward assignment.

When you hire out for your blogging needs, make sure you make your content wishes known. You can place the blog on the website yourself after you’ve proofed it, or you can request that the writer posts the blogs for you. It all depends on your comfort level for giving a writer your password to access the website. Give your writer a list of keywords and topics to write about. That way, they’ll include a few of those keywords in each blog and even do some linking for Search Engine Optimization. If you’re unfamiliar with that terminology, it would be a great idea to hire a writer with SEO experience to help walk you through making your blog more than just an informative article.

There is no shame in feeling unable to maintain a blog. If your small business design doesn’t include a blog, consider starting one. Blogs are one of the easiest things you can apply to your website to increase your web traffic. Hire a freelance writer who has blogging experience to help you with this extra effort to maximize your website’s appeal.